SAPA-GP Liberty Bell Venture Forum RESI Philadelphia 2019

Date:June 3, 2019

Venue:Convene Cityview, Philadelphia


RESI Global Partnering Conference

RESI is an established and ongoing conference series that provides an international venue for early-stage life science companies across Drugs, Devices, Diagnostics and Digital Health, to source investors from around the globe, create relationships, and potentially, secure funding. The RESI Philadelphia Conference will expand to include the earliest stage companies from the discovery stage through venture stage: companies seeking grants, seed, angel, series A, and series B funding.

US-China Bilateral Investment

During the China-US Bilateral investment panel, Echo Hindle-Yang – CEO, MSQ Ventures, Seamus (Yonghua) Jiang, Evan Jones, Ruhong Jiang, Cynthia (蔡小嘉) Cai, and Fayong "Frank" Luo shared the insights on how to achieve a successful bi-lateral investment between the US and China. Since the Bilateral Investment Treaty has become effective, it helped eliminate market access restrictions that US healthcare companies penetrated the China market. Furthermore, Chinese strategic partners and investors benefited from their businesses' operations and profits when they were establishing the partnership. On the other hand, Chinese investment in the US motivated and attracted more US pharmas and medical device companies to become open to expand their businesses in China. 


Echo Hindle-Yang, Founder & CEO, MSQ Ventures

Seamus Jiang, Managing Director, PwC US Deals Practices

Evan Jones, Managing Member, jVen Capital

Ruhong Jiang, CEO, Applied StemCell

Cynthia Cai, Senior Advisor, Northern Light Venture Capital

Frank Luo, Managing Director, Efung Capital