Developing Next-Gen Imaging Agents & Radiopharmaceutical Therapy Products

May 24, 2023


On May 24th, the highly anticipated MSQ CEO Webinar Series, jointly organized by MSQ Ventures and BioAroundWorld, proudly presented the distinguished guest speaker, Ian Wilson, CEO of ImaginAb. The webinar titled "Developing Next-Gen Imaging Agents & Radiopharmaceutical Therapy Products" showcased cutting-edge advancements in the field. With Echo Hindle-Yang, President & CEO of MSQ Ventures, serving as the moderator, the event provided a captivating platform for industry leaders and healthcare enthusiasts to delve into the world of innovative medical technologies.

Developing Next-Gen Imaging Agents & Radiopharmaceutical Therapy Products

Guest Speaker: Ian Wilson, CEO of  ImaginAb 

Moderator: Echo Hindle-Yang, President & CEO, MSQ Ventures